Name Share Support and Contacts


If this is a support-related or urgent issue, please leave a message with our support team at support (at)

If you can’t get an answer using the above links, you can try the following methods to contact us.

Call: +1.617-507-1282 and leave a message, including your email address, with our automated answering service. Provide enough information in your request so that we can resolve your issue without contacting you for more information. Do not ask us to call you back and play phone-tag. We will respond via email, as promptly as possible. Use our Help Desk for critical issues.
Fax: +1.617-507-1282
Postal Mail: Name Share, Inc., 400 West Cummings Park, Suite 1725, Woburn, MA 01801 USA

Name Share’s Corporate Officers:

NameShare is powered by EnCirca
Chief Executive: Thomas Barrett.
Letters and messages to Tom may be sent via CEO at EnCirca dot com.